The second image on the right is my new website. As you can see I rounded it down to two major topics: Travel and Nature. This is the kind of photographer that I want to be. I also massively decreased the number of photos on my website. Each category only has 12 of my favourite photos. It was really difficult to choose my favourites, but in the end I managed to round it down to these 12. The nature section includes both plants and wildlife.
I also added a section called 'projects' which includes some of my more recent work (University projects). The snapshot to the right shows that I've added my Succession project to the site (and a link to my timelapse), as well as my rubber ducks, oldwood field, and shopping centre projects. These four projects were definitely my favourite projects, but they also show off four different styles of photography.
In my 'about' section I added a link to my facebook page, my blog and my flickr. The new website layout is a lot more organised and shows off what I can do without it being too much.
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